High Purity Materials

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High Purity Materials

High Purity Materials

ATT specializes in manufacturing high purity and ultra high purity materials ranging from 99.999% (5N), 99.9999% (6N), 99.99995% (6N5), and in some cases up to 99.99999% (7N) and 99.999999% (8N), such as 6N germanium ingot ,8N gallium ingots and 8N mercury metal. We can produce materials to specific grades including UP/UHP, semiconductor, electronic, deposition, fiber optic, and MBE grades. ATT high purity metals, oxides, and compounds are crafted to meet the demanding needs of high technology applications and are ideal for use as dopants and precursor materials for thin film deposition, crystal growth of semiconductors, and synthesis of nanomaterials and applications such as advanced microelectronics,solar cells, fuel cells , and optical materials.


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High-purity materials are utilized in various industries and applications where even minor impurities can significantly impact the performance or characteristics of the final product. Here are some common areas where high-purity materials are used:

Electronics: High-purity materials, such as silicon, gallium, indium, and germanium, are crucial in semiconductor manufacturing for integrated circuits and microelectronics. Any impurities in these materials can lead to defects and reduced performance in electronic devices.

Pharmaceuticals: In pharmaceutical research and manufacturing, high-purity chemicals and reagents are essential to ensure accurate and reliable results in drug development and testing.

Optics and Photonics: High-purity materials like fused silica, calcium fluoride, and various crystals are used in optical lenses, fiber optics, lasers, and other photonics applications. Contaminants can impair the optical properties of these materials.

Aerospace: The aerospace industry requires high-purity metals and alloys, especially in critical components like turbine blades and rocket nozzles, to ensure safety and performance under extreme conditions.

Medical Devices: High-purity materials, such as medical-grade stainless steel and specialized polymers, are used in medical devices like implants and surgical instruments to minimize the risk of adverse reactions in the human body.

Solar Energy: The manufacturing of solar cells and panels requires high-purity silicon to achieve efficient energy conversion.

Research and Analysis: High-purity materials are essential for scientific research, particularly in fields like chemistry, physics, and material science, where precise measurements and controlled experiments are crucial.

Nanotechnology: Nanomaterials often require high purity to maintain their unique properties and behavior at the nanoscale.

Food and Beverage Industry: In food processing and beverage production, high-purity materials, such as food-grade stainless steel, are used to ensure hygiene and prevent contamination.

Specialty Chemicals: High-purity chemicals are used in various industries for specific chemical reactions and processes where impurities can interfere with the desired outcomes.

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